The Cleave Poetry Webzine [ISSN: 1758-9223]

Archive for September 23rd, 2008|Daily archive page

Submission: Sue Millard

In submission on September 23, 2008 at 5:25 am

_____high in the thin blue – the moon hangs static
a vapour trail slides south – brilliant in the dawn
________shunning winter – cold and enigmatic
____for summer freedom – she yearns
______yet earth’s gravity – escaping each year
her beginning and ending – a little further into space

Sue Millard: I have had three books published so far, One Fell Swoop, Against the Odds and Hoofprints in Eden (a 2-year project published by Hayloft). Pearl Wedding is self published, as is the second edition of One Fell Swoop. Others are in the pipeline or with publishers.
Recently I’ve also been doing a good deal of editing and proofing work for other writers, running various web forums on equestrian and literary subjects, and helping to start up a local rural writers’ group.

I’ve done quite a bit of writing for equestrian magazines over the years. However, I earn my living as a university lecturer and not as a writer; go figure.

I write to clarify thought and make it accessible, using poetic forms or prose as I think fit. I refuse to confuse, and I enjoy metrical and rhyming forms, all of which which probably excludes me from the modern poetic mainstream.

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