The Cleave Poetry Webzine [ISSN: 1758-9223]

Archive for September 17th, 2008|Daily archive page

Cleave poem submissions: Dennis Kelly’s thoughts on Cleave poetics

In discussion, submission on September 17, 2008 at 11:44 am

Here are some of Dennis Kelly’s thoughts on Cleave poetry.

Any more thoughts?


______—for Phuoc-Tan Diep


____________trying it once-trying it again

blasting the poetic public-with our new cleavages

_______cleaving that place-in their brains

they didn’t know existed!-where angels fear to tread!

____uncleaving ourselves-poetically speaking

_starting something new-not knowing where it’s going

_____trying all the doors-to find openings
________that cleave form-pushing our brains


_____________cleave me!!!-cleave me!!!

_____LangClo Cleavage

___—for Phuoc-Tan Diep

_______Please-don’t listen to me

I’m just trying-to charm you

____the world-out of you

____ out on youinto me




___teamwork-The Trinity

____________diamond cleavage

____cleaving is like = making love
lying on your back = with her on top
_doing all the work = cleaving you
______perfectly still = like a diamond
____the cleave/gem = a diamond haiku


_each cleave is different—just like making love.
____each time is unique—and erotically intense.
_______each cleave-gem—cleaves the brain perfectly.
each time is right brain—left brain cleave.
_right down the middle—splits you in half.
__each diamond cleave—is yours to keep.
____it doesn’t last long—but it’s deep.

Cleave poems: © 2008 Dennis Kelly

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