The Cleave Poetry Webzine [ISSN: 1758-9223]

Posts Tagged ‘experimental poetry’

Afterwards, Janet: A Murder Mystery in Speech Acts by Diana Manister

In submission on November 29, 2008 at 7:40 am

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tHe mAgic typEwritEr (cleave poetics 5&6/19) by Dennis Kelly

In submission on November 8, 2008 at 6:53 am


“This is very
unprovoked thought”
—Clark Coolidge,
Postmodern Poetry:
The Talisman Interviews

          it opened—i caught it
 versions left over—over the edge
       they shifted—down the spinal cord
    all the hyphens—slouching like cats
           sniffing—soft paws on the carpet
   here in the city—craning their necks
getting a good look—thru the gate
       at the other—shape-shifter


“the great
—Clark Coolidge,
Postmodern Poetry:
The Talisman Interviews

   it comes here—i don’t know how
      i say this—i’ve lost so much
planting hyphens—slanting it down
    how it grows—nobody knows
       beneath a—night sun moon
       blackness—dark at high noon
     it’s coming—undoing me

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    tHe mAgic typEwritEr (cleave poetics 3&4/19) by Dennis Kelly

    In discussion, submission on November 6, 2008 at 7:31 am
    CLEAVE POETICS 3&4 of 19
    “the energy of word art”
    —Clark Coolidge,
    Postmodern Poetry:
    The Talisman Interviews
       cleaving—against it
    seeing what—emerges
       monsters—of the id
         ghosts—of the ego
       the body—as movie
       dreaming—voyage imaginaire
    i’m starved—i’m hungry
        the way—poets eat poets
       language—cleave du jour
    “wait and see
    what emerges…”
    —Clark Coolidge,
    Postmodern Poetry:
    The Talisman Interviews
           what’s happening—with cleaves?
             the difficulty—talking about them?
             designing them—as 3 texts in one
            suggesting that—their meaning
              somehow comes—from a “complex”?
              when actually—the artifice of cleaves
    performs simultaneously—paraphrasing
         the old surrealism—thru LangPo research
         into a new reading—worthy to be
            called American—parasurrealism…

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      Marrow, a 3 way cleave by Andrea Barton

      In submission on October 30, 2008 at 7:36 am
          The union betweenat the core of us–the heart and the hand
           a poet’s heartis a gossamer strand–must work
                   and his handof steel–as one
      is the fine gilt threadbinding love–to fuse poetry
                       of wordsto loss–to feeling.

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      Maypole – a 6 way cleave by Andrea Barton

      In submission on October 25, 2008 at 6:44 am
      A 6-way cleave by Andrea Barton - a concrete cleave?
      Here are her words:
      "this is a six way poem based on the cleave form. 
      I'm going to wait and see if anyone can figure out 
      the six ways in which this poem can be read..."
      brightly colored - center - celebration of
                  spring - of - ribbons
               held by - poems - this way
                colors - are - dancing
              girls - maypoles - that way
              twirling - driven - skipping
            twisting - into - light steps of
              children - the - laughter and
               hope - earth - in the sun

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    • All Along the Campaign Trail! by Jennifer Siegel

      In submission on October 23, 2008 at 6:59 am
      A personal political cleave poem by Jennifer Semple Siegel,
      seeded with Robert Louis Stevenson.
      (First appearance: here).
                      All Along the Campaign Trail!
             In the other gardens -- On the endless networks
             And all up the vale, -- And all through cyberspace,
         From the autumn bonfires -- From Springtime surprises
             See the smoke trail! -- Now see how they placed!
             Pleasant summer over -- Conventions now passed
      And all the summer flowers, -- And all summer potshots,
             The red fire blazes, -- O'Biden blazes hot,
           The grey smoke towers. -- McPalin does not.
          Sing a song of seasons! -- Sing a song of absurdity!
         Something bright in all! -- All frightful in Fall!
           Flowers in the summer, -- Hucksters all through Summer,
               Fires in the fall! -- One winner nabs all!
      --Seed Poem: "Autumn Fires," Robert Louis Stevenson--

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    • Dennis Kelly’s further thoughts on Cleave poetics

      In discussion, submission on October 7, 2008 at 9:31 pm

      CLEAVE POETICS For Phuoc-Tan, Diana, Laurie and Jennifer


      How to write a Cleave poem?

      Write the horizontal poem first.

      Cleave the poem into 2 vertical poems.

      Cleave with hyphens—using your intuition.

      The vertical poems are the zen payoff.

      They’ll read choppy somewhat but intelligent.

      The gestalt one feels is unique because it’s yours.

      It’s your horizontal poem to begin with.

      But the 2 vertical poems are spontaneous.

      Like Mac Low’s diastic impromptu method.

      Except the cleave method is quicker.

      It’s more spontaneous and otherworldly.

      Because it’s you confronting your double.

      Your poetic doppelganger in the NOW.

      The left hand & right hand poems are one.

      They’re not discrete poems.

      They’re the surprise Bingo that happens.

      The left and right poems aren’t stitched together.

      Hunting and picking for combos that fit…

      Cleaving one poem into two—that’s the trick.

      Not stitching two poems into one.

      What I want is surprise, joy and wonder.

      My way gives the poet a double-whammy.

      Cleave collaboration for me is Translation.

      Translating Pound’s Personae, for example.

      Pound put his Anthology poems together for a reason.

      They were his Imagist Manifesto.

      He jump-started the Modernist Movement.

      Eliot and Joyce did too. The three of them.

      With Personae, The Waste Land and Ulysses.

      But Pound did it somewhat differently.

      Thru small discrete poems—rather than Long Poems.

      The Waste Land = Long Elegy

      Ulysses = Long Love Lyric Irish Fairy Tale

      Pound wanted to embrace & extend the Past.

      Eliot and Joyce as well… each did it differently.

      Personae (1926) was Pound’s American Tree (Silliman).

      LangPo Poetry grew once Silliman’s Anthology (1986) came out.

      Personae is a thin little volume—an easy read.

      The American Tree is thick—many machines on Ix.

      Better than those on Richese?

      How to start a Cleave Movement?

      Call it CloPo or maybe CleavePo?

      How about an Anthology?

      An Anthology is like a Baseball Park.

      Build it—and they will come.







      now—my little cleaves

      let us—speak perfection


      let us—elegantly

      tell—our little story


      —based on “Salvationists”

      Ezra Pound’s Personae (1926)






      (“Come, my songs,

      let us speak of perfection—

      We shall get ourselves

      rather disliked.”)


      Now let us show—let us tell.

      Let our little cleaves speak perfection.

      Simplicity—elegantly telling a story.

      Each story—extemporaneous.

      Each story—impromptu.

      Each story—imbued with ad lib.

      Each story—ours to show & tell.


      dennis kelly 9/23/2008

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    • Submissions: Dennis Kelly

      In submission on September 28, 2008 at 6:50 am

      Cleave ‘Translations’ from Pound’s Personae (1925)


      __is it poetry—or just a game

      ____creating—beautiful cleavages

      these elegant—crossword puzzles



      _______de jour


      not knowing—day to day


      ______split—pea soup

      ____cleave—de jour

      ____________mac low

      _________for laurie elaine

      _________i studied—aleatoric poetry

      ___botticellian splits—mac low’s diastic

      ______doubling back—seed to source

      carefully capitalizing—the key letters

      ___to form the name—diagonally down

      _____a pretty effect—but I got bored

      ____not enough tho—give me estrangement

      ___cleaving is more—narratological

      _not just two texts—seed & source

      but three new texts—folding into one

      _________origami—surprise kit

      ____official poetry

      __light-hearted—i woke up

      ___in the wold—nonchalantly

      _the magnolias—blooming

      ____stifled me—faint of breath

      smothered me—the stench

      ______rotting—official poetry


      _____________go—cleave-born book

      ________tell them—diamonds flake

      ______down there—where sapphires

      ____________burn—liquid emeralds fume

      rubies red as blood—flow like lava

      ___________deep—down inside me

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    • Submission: Diana Manister

      In submission on September 28, 2008 at 6:36 am

      A Bawdy Poet Laureate Enjoying Naughty Nights

      our dreams – disguises
      _____relieve – our
      _______days – null
      _____nought – fraughts

      Submission: selection of cleave poems from

      In submission on September 28, 2008 at 6:31 am

      A selection of cleave poems from

      De-stressed-Distressed by John Bevan (aka Katanga)

      __I’m certain that-I’m overtaxed
      __stone-deaf, I’ll-need my ears waxed
      ________not hear-sometime soon
      annoying noises-What a buffoon!

      Feeling dies by Rachel Prudden (aka Rioka)

      ______this beautiful-feeling dies in me
      ________ally of mine-you can’t hurt me
      _______reaching out-for your desire
      __and freezing time-does not inspire
      an aching heart but-tears in my eyes
      _____for you I smile-though I should cry

      The Circus by Brett Evans (aka Brett)

      ____The circus rolls-with joy and glee
      __________into town-a novelty
      ___an ageing clown-shows its face
      __proving youthful-without disgrace
      __to such old jokes-we all connect
      though his respect-through our neglect
      _no longer chimes-of ancient rhymes.

      Two visions: Ezekiel and Aphrodite by Brian Fone (aka patterjack)

      _________Ezekiel saw a vision,-a gleaming godly vision,
      ____saw wheels within wheels-making the mind spin
      _____spreading across the sky-as it slowly revealed itself
      dazzling the enlightened man-with all its terrible beauty
      __________sweeping him away-and took watcher, mind and body,
      __from the reality around him-with its naked,  shining splendour.

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