The Cleave Poetry Webzine [ISSN: 1758-9223]

Posts Tagged ‘Jorge Luis Borges’

Argentina by Dennis Kelly

In submission on October 29, 2008 at 7:22 am

“Los artificios y candor del hombre”
—Jorge Luis Borges,
“El golem”

  already you can see—the tragic setting
      each thing here—in its appointed place
       the broadsword—the ash destined for dido
             the coin—ready for belisarius
      why do you weep—searching in lazy
bronze old hexameters—gone old empires?
  when 7 feet of dirt—waits for you
 a slow rush of blood—Argentina
      watches you now—the mirror of death
      dreaming you up—spitting in your face
 all your crummy dayz—so bourgeois
 goodbye middle class—it was the house
        by the street—you grew up in
 but now peron, evita—Argentina
        wants it back—again
  • (previously here)

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  • Cleave poem submission: tea and sympathy by Dennis Kelly

    In submission on September 19, 2008 at 5:53 am

    ___________tea and-sympathy

    “the pictorial technique

    of inserting a painting

    within a painting

    corresponds, in the world

    of literature, to the

    interpolation of a fiction

    within another fiction”

    —Jorge Luis Borges,

    “When Fiction Lives in Fiction,”

    Selected Nonfictions

    ________two poems-then three

    _____living together-a family of one

    _____endless stories-a house of mirrors

    a whitman’s sampler-of little goodies

    ____little zen-jumps-bonjour gide genet borges

    ______zen + langpo=langcleave

    mise en abîme detourstres scheherazadesque

    ___z=e=n cleavages-to entertain guests

    ________sipping teawith sympathy

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